Becoming Climate Positive with Ecologi - Castle of Scent Car Air Freshener

Becoming Climate Positive with Ecologi

Ecologi was initially founded by a group of environmentalists in Bristol, UK. They were frustrated that many of us are not able to contribute enough to the colossal climate problem. It started in late 2018, when Founder Elliot was on his morning commute to work. He was buying a coffee just as he had done thousands of times before, and asked himself:

How much climate action could I fund with the money for a coffee?

The answer led to a revelation, that the pocket change that billions of us have would not only be a significant upgrade to our own personal contributions to the crisis, but could also one day account for reducing half of the world’s emissions.

At Castle of Scents we believe in doing our bit for the environment. Last year we signed up to make a monthly donation from our sales to Ecologi.

Each month Ecologi supports a range of carbon avoidance projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard. Ecologi’s funding strategy is guided by their Climate Committee adhering to their Project Drawdown framework.

It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. Trees are also crucial in preventing ecological collapse. Ecologi has a range of amazing reforestation partners, who, with our support, are growing millions of trees per month.

Each month 85% of our donation goes directly to funding these planet saving projects. We are proud to be supporting Ecologi and their incredible efforts to help reduce climate change, a cause that we are proud to support here at Castle of Scents



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